Scott Hildebrand Hickory North Carolina Police Department


“I went into the class without expecting to be in the class. I would have to say that in a 150+ personnel department many saw this as something that seemed...not very rugged or manly, or maybe something they didn't have time for at a busy time of the day.

I do see that it can be a calming technique, we just need to find the time to use it. In the job that can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds, we don't always have the opportunity to pull over and find our inner being. However, breathing is definitely something that can be applied, even while driving.

I can understand that, with practice and the right environment, this could become a spiritual experience for some. 

I was most impressed with the fact that this can be considered exercise. After our first session our instructor said we would likely be sore the next day because we were using new muscles. I was slightly sore, but maybe not as much as others may have been because I do try to exercise in different ways several times per week. Yoga could be another method for me. It is using muscles. It can practice balance. I believe it can be beneficial for stretching (some of it felt pretty good), especially after other hard tasks. My brothers and I have been working on a tree that fell in a storm at my mother's house; cutting and splitting wood and hauling limbs. I'm going to do my best to use yoga after that tough work to help me recover. 

I will no longer run from yoga. I might not practice it in a public setting, but I recognize its potential."

Dana Rideout Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a trained yoga instructor.

"As a registered yoga instructor, as well as a master’s level therapist, Dana develops yoga programs for individuals and groups that support a reduction in anxiety, trauma, and overall stress. Dana is also experienced with using yoga breathing and movement to increase energy for those clients learning to manage depression. The purpose of our dialogue - introducing yoga as a mood management strategy for First Responders."